A team of students from the Statistical Consulting Center, led by Wenbo Wu (with faculty advisor Dr. Jaxk Reeves), has placed in the top three teams in the SAS Analytics Shootout. The winner will be announced at the SAS Analytics 2014 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, held on October 20 and 21. The top three teams’ universities also receive donations from SAS of up to $5,000.00. This year’s project required the team to model various crimes as a function of time, weather, demographic information, and other phenomena in multiple cities, and to recommend plans of action to prevent and deter these crimes based on future prediction of those variables. Other team members included Hejiao Hu, Linwei Hu, Lina Liao, Fei Liu, Xijue Tan, and Guannan Wang. This is only the second year that an SCC team has participated in the Shootout. Congratulations to our team, and good luck at the Analytics 2014 Conference!