John Stufken
Abhyuday Mandal
Georgia Center for Continuing Education
Athens, Georgia
The DAE Conference Series:
The conference series Design and Analysis of Experiments (DAE) grew out of a conference that was held in 2000 at The Ohio State University. While this initial conference concentrated on the Midwest, subsequent conferences became truly international in terms of participants and expanded to North America in terms of locations. The latter have included Vancouver, BC (2002), Chicago, IL (2003), Santa Fe, NM (2005, http://www.stat.lanl.gov/DAE2005/index.html), Memphis, TN (2007, http://www.msci.memphis.edu/DAE2007/) and Columbia, MO (2009, http://dae.stat.missouri.edu/). The purpose of the DAE conference series is to provide support and encouragement to junior researchers in the field of design and analysis of experiments and to stimulate interest in topics of practical relevance to science and industry.
In order not to compete with a half-year event on Design and Analysis of Experiments (also under the name DAE) at the Isaac Newton Institute in the UK from July-December in 2011, the next DAE meeting in the North American series was postponed from the fall of 2011 to October 17-20, 2012. It was organized by John Stufken and Abhyuday Mandal of the Department of Statistics at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. The event took place at the Georgia Center for Contniuing Education.