Christine Franklin | Undergraduate Coordinator Since the last newsletter where we listed our graduates from 2013, we proudly graduated the following students with a BS degree in statistics: spring 2014 – Obiamaka Achukwu, Matthew Alexander, Dean Baraso, Audrey Brasuell, Doretha Canion, Reina Chau, Mary Martha Clark, Tyna Dao, Christopher Helms, Lewis Jones, Nathain Karner, Pia Kolmers, Hyejin Park, Melissa Pitt, and Benjamin Washington; summer 2014 – Joe Fang. Matt, Chris, Lewis, and Ben are now all enrolled in our graduate program. Lewis is part of a collaborative program with State Farm Insurance. Our students continue to be inducted into honor societies such as the National Statistical Honor Society Mu Sigma Rho, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi Beta Kappa. Some students have continued with graduate school and others have joined the work force using the skill-set they gained as statistics majors. Our students are sought out as future employees in this data-centric world. Congratulations to all our graduates! If you haven’t already, browse our undergraduate website. Here is the link: Our undergraduate program continues to thrive, with UGA students recognizing the importance of a background in statistics – this is seen in the increasing number of both majors (approximately 120 students) and minors (approximately 100). We continue to find ways to improve our undergraduate program, which for the first time in the history of the department, is larger than our graduate program. This past year, a committee worked diligently to examine the desired program goals and learning outcomes for both our undergraduate and graduate students. This committee discussed whether our current courses are meeting the goals and learning outcomes, as well as how to assess these learning outcomes. Our year-long Capstone course (STAT 5010-5020) continues to provide our undergraduates the opportunity to apply the knowledge they've gained to real-life research problems. This current academic year we have our largest class ever with 32 students. In May 2014, we awarded the second Kermit Hutcheson Best Capstone Student Award to Nathain Karner. Congratulations to Nathain! We continue to have several students taking advantage of internship opportunities. We welcome any leads on summer and academic year internship possibilities for our students. Type of News/Audience: Departmental