Image: Sloka Sudhin, a Data Science and Applied Mathematics double major, was chosen as a recipient of the Midterm Foundation Fellowship, a full-ride stipend award supporting the last two years of her undergraduate degree. She was also awarded the Hollingsworth Award by the UGA Department of Mathematics, a recognition for the highest performers in an upper division undergraduate math course. This summer, she received a student travel award to attend the Design and Analysis of Experiments (DAE) conference, hosted by Virginia Tech, and presented her research on d-QPSO, a global optimization technique for searching for optimal designs for experiments with mixed factors under generalized linear models. Additionally, she was awarded one of 25 CURO 2024 Summer Fellowships for working on this project, under the supervision of Dr. Abhyuday Mandal, and presented an oral presentation at the CURO Final Forum this past Friday on her summer progress. As a rising third year, she will go on to deliver an oral presentation on d-QPSO at next year’s Spring Symposium. Type of News/Audience: Departmental