Monday, December 6, 2010
We are proud to report that Graduate Student Qin Wang has been selected to receive an Institute of Mathematical Statistics Laha Travel Award to attend the 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings/IMS annual meeting. Congratulations Qin!
Congratulations to our three undergraduate students, Aileen Thomas, Shelina Ramnarine, and Neeraj Sriram who participated in the CURO Symposium this April.
We are extremely happy with Gauri Datta's election to the Fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics! This is a well deserved honor for his outstanding research and contributions to the profession.
The Department hosted the Symposium on New Directions in Asymptotic Statistics at the Georgia Center, May 15-16, 2009. The event was organized by T.N. Sriram and Ishwar Basawa. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this successful event!
A hearty welcome to Mr. Richard Worthington, who is our new Administrative Associate I.
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